Bag Yourself The Best Seat In The House

There is something about the bean bag that appeals to adults and children alike, more so probably than any other piece of furniture. The urge to lounge around on these remarkably comfortable items can be overwhelming and often infectious, bringing out the child in all of us. They also have a certain style to them that allows them to fill spaces far better than the other basic seating options, giving rooms a real touch of class in an informal manner, while at the same time being extremely practical.

Younger members of the family will be drawn like a magnet to these fabulous foam-filled sacks and the manufacturers naturally are on top of this fact and consequently have created a bean bags for kids range that, as can be expected, is exceptionally popular. Children absolutely love to chill out on these super soft alternatives to sofas and chairs. With the bean bag they have a licence to behave a little more like a kid, wriggling and rolling about, maybe even sharing with a friend, rather than sitting up straight and being all restricted on conventional furniture.

Bean bags can vary in size, from the small, lightweight 3 feet versions, up to the extra large 8 foot kind, weighing in at an impressive 130 lbs. The bags also come in the form of a lounger, although in truth the only difference is that these are oval in shape and therefore perfect for anyone wishing to use the product more like a couch, where as the sacks are more round and a little more intimate.

The 6 foot design is very popular with families due to the fact that it can seat 2 adults and a small child comfortably, or one adult and two children, meaning it is ideal for a young family. Of course the 8 footer covers all bases -- literally. This product is really large, so obviously space is a factor.

Color wise there is a whole palette to choose from, including among others: chocolate, camel, navy blue, royal blue, charcoal, cinnabar, lemon, lime, tangerine, pink, purple, olive, sage and black. With such a good selection it means matching other items of furniture in the home is relatively easy, although when it comes to the bean bags for kids, the brightest is often the way to go.

There are also several additional extras available to compliment the bean bags, in the form of ottomans, throws and head pillows, each or indeed all three, adding that touch of style to the already quality piece of kit. Replacement covers are easy to obtain, although they are machine washable, so these are usually only necessary if a change of color is desired.

The bean bag really will become the favorite chair in the home, not just for the kids but the entire household and that obviously includes pets. It is crucial some ground rules are laid out pretty sharpish upon purchasing the bag, otherwise you may well find yourselves coming home to find that the family dog has taken residence in the best seat in the house!